Does my dog need to wear a collar?

When I am out at events one of the questions I often get asked is does my dog actually need to wear a collar? They are already microchipped because of the law introduced on 6 April 2016 in England, Scotland and Wales. 


The law

"All dogs, when in public space, must wear a collar tag that clearly displays the owner’s initial and surname, as well as their up-to-date address." The owner's details can be listed on the collar itself or on a tag attached to the collar.

Even if your dog is microchipped, they still need to wear a collar or tag. Exemptions apply for some working dogs.

It is recommend you add your mobile number so you can be contacted at any time in case your dog goes missing.


What can happen if I break this law?

Since 2015 dog owners can be given an unlimited fine, or even six months of jail time.

Law: Control of Dogs Order 1992 


My dog is only walked on a harness which I have put their tag on, do they still need a collar and tag?


Even of your dog has a harness with a tag attached they still need to wear an identifiable collar with the necessary owner information mentioned. 

If your dog is being walked on a harness there is always a possibility if your dog is spooked and managed to break their harness or if it isn't correctly fitted and they have slipped their harness they still have a collar and tag.


When my dog is out in public I don't let them off the lead. Do I still need a collar and tag?



My dog is microchipped do they still need a collar and tag?



What should I include on my dog's tag or collar?

  • Your name
  • House number or house name
  • Your postcode

Personally I have also included my mobile number, as this can help with your dog being reunited quickly. 

Some people decide to include their dog's name on the tag but this is not a legal requirement.

There is a huge debate on this subject. When I first got my dogsI did include their names but later decided to leave it off the tag. If for some reason my dogs were stolen or lost and the person decided to keep them they would have a level of control over them and recall (not that mine listen to their names being called at the best of times!).


What happens if my dog's collar or tag has come off?

Depending on the type of dog collar, there is a possibility that your dog looses their collar. There are times when my dog catch their collar on something in the garden and they have pulled hard enough that the quick release clasp the collar has become undone. All dogs have a microchip that can be read by a scanner at a vets or by some in the pet industry and aid in reuniting dogs with owners. 

In terms of the law I couldn't find an answer as to whether you could be prosecuted if your dog has lost their collar. However I would assume that you could be prosecuted.

You as the owner need to check your dog's collar for wear and tear. Check the clasp on the collar, can you pull it apart? Check the adjustor if the collar has one, does the size you make it stay that way? If it slips the size and becomes too loose your dog could loose it, if it's too tight your dog may end up injured.

I would recommend that you have a couple of spare collars with tags at home just in case or even in your car so you can secure your pet if you need to.


Bottom line is that if you decide to go out in public with your dog they have to wear a collar and tag with your name, house name or number and your postcode.

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